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Eilat Red Sea 2011 World Shoot-Out

At the Eilat Red Sea 2011 World Shoot-Out, I was awarded with 2nd place in the Macro category Competition website: My winning picture here

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DPG September 2011 Photo Contest

At the DivePhotoGuide September 2011 monthly photo contest, I got 3rd place. The theme for March was “Fresh Water” Competition link: March 2011 results can be seen here

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Eilat Red Sea 2011 Photographer of the Year

At the 2011 Eilat Red Sea 2011 Photographer of the Year online competition I won 2nd place with my portfolio of 3 digital photos Competition website: My winning portfolio can be seen...

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DPG March 2011 Photo Contest

At the DivePhotoGuide March 2011 monthly photo contest, I got 2nd place. The theme for March was “Reef Fish” Competition link: March 2011 results can be seen here  

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DPG & Wetpixel Deep Indonesia 2011

At the 5th annual edition of DEEP Indonesia International Underwater Photo Competition, I was awarded with a Honorable Mention in the Divers Category  category. You can see all the winners’ pictures here and...

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